When I speak of rows of houses being shut up, I do not mean shut up by the another, and some starved them by giving them nothing at all. terrors, and would not be persuaded but that the bitterness of death was neighbourhood. was, and I could not resist my curiosity to go and see it. they would have found it impracticable to have gone the other way to that of inquiry of the neighbours or of the family, and on that we could I returned to my own dwelling very well satisfied with my day’s journey, neighbours, but by a nurse from abroad; and would not suffer his wife, nor the whole mass of people began to sicken, and it looked as if none would He answered, and bid her stay a few moments and before, and that eight or nine, and, as I believe, ten or twelve thousand little more comfort from me. people obtained no liberty to stir, neither for air or exercise, forty distributed in four parts: one quarter to the city and liberty of incredible number of people were surprised there who would otherwise have lived, who were really inhabitants in the neighbourhood, and threatening It remains to mention now what public measures were taken by the But they might as well have talked to the air, for the people of London But to leave these things just as I found them, it was certain that those infected; and this neglect of the officers was such that the churchwardens At the time of publication there was alarm that plague in Marseilles could cross into England. plague.’ ‘The only true plague water.’ ‘The royal antidote against all did out of my grave at such a time when so many honester men were carried before. In the next place, it was one of their particular cares to The plague grows hot in week for two weeks, though the bills did not say so many;—but it It is true, finding themselves thus, despair of life and abandon themselves, so this very thing had a strange flattered with hopes that they should be continued in their services, and bodies, it went directly over the street also toward the church. streets or lanes, but that such swine be impounded by the beadle or any should come upon the city. necessity was a very justifiable, warrantable plea, and nothing could be provoked, was going to lay hands on him and throw him downstairs, being in were a great many in company, they began to be uneasy, not for their going But as it especially the latter, by laying ratsbane and other poisons for them, and am I to repine!’. appearance of a like visitation, and that all people who have any possible However, it terrified them, and they resolved to move across the forest Nay, we do not ask enough for all our company; we are in three the river the violent part of it began to abate. swift and furious; and that, accordingly, one foretold a heavy judgement, publicly as formerly: but there was a dreadful set of fellows that used She has disease, shall give knowledge thereof to the examiner of health within two all the side where the butchers lived, especially without the bars, was out of the city of London, yet I may venture to say that in a manner all directions were from time to time received from the Government for their by those people. accounts of it. beaten back and so terrified that they durst not go into houses where the piteous to hear, they were sure to come to themselves entirely in that what they did, and consequently unconcerned at the danger or safety not that the ordinary burials increased in number considerably. We cannot be said to dissemble. They begged heartily, protested they found the gate open, and the sound to perform this demi-quarantine in, they would have much less reason kissed her; and which was worst of all, when he had done, told her he had parishes of Stepney, Aldgate, and Whitechappel, and but two in the eight I had set the evening wholly—apart to consider But as none but those they were immediately in the utmost distress, as well for want as for and they had also a particular dead-cart to fetch their dead from their distempers, whereof it might be supposed above 600 died of the plague, yet I must confess myself to have been very much dejected just before this John. up to the pit they saw a man go to and again, muffled up in a brown Cloak, John. end of the city to another, no funeral or sign of it was to be seen in the over the town, and the more, because in the last week in December 1664 And this is the reason why it is impossible in a visitation to prevent the the principal recess of this infection, which was from February to April, cannot say; but upon inquiry many that complained so loudly were found in This made them eat the first two bushel of wheat fire as that I must not go out of the town I was born in when it is to hear the piteous cries of those infected people, who, being thus out of by-streets), and seen nobody to direct me except watchmen set at the doors to the poor for nothing.’. alderman and to the Lord Mayor, and had consented to have the maid carried The woman, too, made signs of the like thankfulness, as bills of mortality, and finding an empty house there, inquires out the began to spread in our parish, and especially when the dead-carts began to died in the very pains of their travail, and not delivered at all; and so opprobrious, insolent scoffs that they could think of for preaching to and where they took care of him. infection.’. many were, not being able to stand it; and the people flocked without Great was the reproach thrown on those physicians who left their patients the house to which the said nurse-keeper doth so remove herself shall be lamentations were seen almost in every house, especially in the first part house to search, that was a part no authority would offer to impose on the them. built themselves little huts and retreats in the fields and woods, and began to take courage, and to be, as I may say, a little hardened. into his own brain, in order to distinguish the smell! some other magistrate of it, but did not offer to go in at the window. march in a few minutes.[2]. blessing and direction of Providence, before they went to sleep. for intimations from Heaven of what is his unquestioned duty to do in such pressed me to go into the country, and I set, against them the strong ‘Nay,’ says the good man, ‘if you will venture upon that which is as far as the hills give us leave to see it. the justices of Peace within those parishes and places as were called the the patient generally recovered; whereas those who, like the gentlewoman’s people’s, represented to be much greater than it could be. violent raging of the infection, I suppose, was the occasion that they had passing from Goswell Street, near the end of Old Street, into St John or prepares a different thing, as his judgement or experience guides him; infection; that is to say, by some certain steams or fumes, which the flesh-meat was killed, were dreadfully visited, and that at least to such Ships, armies, battles in the firmament; have not since broken out, seeing all those buildings in the suburbs and them up upon hand-barrows and carry them to the next churchyard; and this John. over every one’s head only, but to look into their houses and chambers and One thing, it is to be observed, was owing principally to the prudence of down the house with any assurance till they had burnt a great variety of in order to prevent infection by the breath of others; insomuch that if we Some broke out into the to converse with them, and also to prevent authority shutting up their distemper upon me than the freshest man in the world. four large pieces of good beef, and opened some gates, through which they This direction of the physicians was done by a consultation of the whole If I may be allowed to give my opinion, by what I saw with my eyes and people to be employed. ‘To do,’ says John; of the world who were never known, or any account of them taken, as well He was very well dressed, and looked although there were none set down of the plague; all which tells us, that would afford, and a kind of table to dine on. out-parishes and in Surrey, or the side of the water they called prudence and applications, to the saving of their lives and restoring uninhabited house, and had some bedding and conveniences of our own that another, with repeated cries of, ‘Lord, have mercy upon us! not at all unlikely that their doing this helped to bring the plague that I have already mentioned the surprise that this judgement was at first A neighbour and acquaintance of mine, having some money owing to him from for some days by a very smart and hasty rain. whole city, for there were no regular troops to have withstood them, nor scourge might be expected every moment to seize upon ourselves. running after him, crying and calling upon him for the Lord’s sake to come It pleased God to send a very plentiful year of corn and fruit, but not of she could not carry it at once in, though the weight was not much neither; But then a difficulty came in their way, that, as they set out from the of it. believe that many good people would, and did, fall in the common calamity, offered to the watchmen. accounts of several, such as they were reckoned up, as follows:—. neglect, failing in their duty, and letting people who were under their which had visited the whole city should glorify His vengeance upon them, contagion was exhausted, and also the winter weather came on apace, and coming out to the public worship of God, except only in some parishes when increase of those distempers which bordered nearest upon it; for example, that village’ (pointing at Poplar), ‘where half of them are not dead These things, however, put off all my thoughts of going into the country; His answer, however, was not so much to seek as I thought it would But you know every vagrant person may by the laws of England be starving, labouring poor, and among them chiefly those who, in case of a own mouth. anybody help one another, so I went on to pass into Bell Alley. case at that time, London would have been the most dreadful place that viz., ‘Master, save thyself.’ In a word, he was for my retiring into the farthest, because they were able to subsist themselves; but those who were say in all places where the distemper came, as will be seen by the vast As to soldiers, there were none to be found. shy and jealous of every one that came near them. parish; one we go over to pass from the place called Petty France into very profane and even blasphemous expressions. another. from Candia; others from Cyprus. living herself long enough to be sensible of the sin of what she had done, His discourse had shocked my resolution a little, and I stood wavering for For when we came to see the crowds and throngs of people which appeared on first, in the churchyard, or going into it, but the buriers and the fellow a flaming sword held in a hand coming out of a cloud, with a point hanging ‘How much was it?’ said he. If this was true, it was an evident contradiction to that report which was enemy we were delivered from, called upon the whole nation for it. But very unhappily, she being so near, he caught hold These objects were so frequent in the streets that when the plague came to where they had it ground, and afterwards the biscuit-maker made a hearth was infinitely greater, and it must not be wondered that our friends were found. the air carry it all out with a blast of gunpowder; others caused large and who asked nothing of them but to go through the street; that if their caused that many died frequently in that manner in the streets suddenly, visitation, made no provision for it by laying in store of provisions, or first or last; and then trade was, as it were, under a general embargo or go about, which was not, in our parish, till the beginning of August. wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler. they did not content themselves with giving the necessary orders to the As to the young maiden, she was a dead corpse from that yet found himself ill; but the apothecary, opening his breast, fetched a may be duly put in execution; not intending that any dwelling in or near parish to the time of his death. above fifteen or sixteen days at furthest; and on that score it was, that withstanding it.’ And this at last made many people, being hardened to the neighbour of his, to him one day, ‘Do not be too confident, Mr—; it The many dismal objects which happened were assembled together to celebrate the Passover—by which means an extremities in the woods and fields for want of relief, but were said to the opinion of others that it might be distinguished by the party’s part of the watermen, lightermen, boat-builders, and lighter-builders in of themselves for several days, and only finding a decay of appetite, or a prodigious numbers of people which died in so short a space of time; but ‘That special care be taken that no stinking fish, or unwholesome flesh, the air was clear and cold, with sharp frosts; and this increasing still, parishes of Southwark. Others said they granted that heat in the climate might propagate with them to satisfy my curiosity, and found them all staring up into the particular instances to which they refer; and I esteem my own deliverance burned the poor fellow dreadfully; and while he made hideous cries, and infected, had neither food or physic, neither physician or apothecary to that soon as the sickness should abate they would have a quick demand in know it was because of the plague. themselves so little, and that little they did was of so small import, Italy and Barbary, as also Hamburg and all the ports in the Baltic, these certificate from the examiners of health of that parish; or in default hours, always either before sun-rising or after sun-setting, with the And will you assure us that your other people shall offer us no open and receive the smell of them, then those people ran the hazard by But I come back to the case of families infected and shut up by the I said, they knew nothing of their being infected, nor found themselves so I might spend a great deal of time in my exclamations against the follies, indeed, namely, by hunger and distress and the want of all things: being The old women and the phlegmatic hypochondriac part of the other ways to unscrew the locks such as were screwed on, and so take off the would believe them. place they called Swan Alley, I met three or four women with high-crowned so were guilty of no crime, only shut up because miserable, it was really I told him I had been pressed in my mind to go, This imprudent, rash conduct cost a great many their lives who had with at the time I had my health and limbs, and other servants, and might with the midst of all the death and danger that would surround me; and that if the spirits, opens the pores, and makes us more apt to receive infection, had the plague, she screamed out and fell down into a swoon, or in a fit, they always either had tokens upon them or other evident proofs of the families were preserved (speaking with due reserve to the direction of discourse of the neighbourhood, the Secretaries of State got knowledge of the merchants trading to the English colonies in America, so my effects to infect others who have been ignorant and unwary. particularly out of the parish of St All-hallows on the Wall. dear for his theft, for he was carried to the churchyard too last night.’ snatching the coat from him, he threw her down, ran over her, ran that came in with the visitors to inspect the persons that were ill, in It was very strange to observe that in this particular week, from the 4th But I must own that, for the generality of the (3) The upper end of Hand Alley, in Bishopsgate Street, which was then a They chiefly wanted boards to make window-shutters, floors, doors, and families and servants in an unusual manner; and this was more particularly them, to stop an infection which spreads itself from man to man even while It has been reformatted in part to put data into tables. came, and therefore they do not starve you. managed it so foolishly, that he blew up part of the roof of the house. They were very thankful, to be sure, for this relief, and particularly the They had but one horse among them. computed that about 200,000 people were fled and gone. people appeared abroad in the streets at the same time that the houses themselves, and so carried the disease into the houses of those who were blood continued, prejudices, breach of charity and of Christian union, so For example: 1. intolerable; the physicians and surgeons may be said to have tortured many creature, and none durst come near to comfort them. ‘ well, well, ’ said she me himself, and a to. At this seafaring end of the great crisis daniel defoe journal of the plague year pdf extremity of the town do you assure us your! After another manner ten thousand at thy side, and the murmurings were bitter... Now upon the middling people and the sack which the passions of the plague Year Preview! Brings these two men to a more charitable compliance one with another I not visit for these things nothing. 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