It's rock hard and black and its stuck. You will have to be extremely thorough to get out loose poop from the cat’s fur, but it is absolutely crucial that you do it because it can damage the skin. Do you have anything new in your house or any plugin air fresheners? It was like a miracle! My cat has been having poop stuck to her anus, not the fur, but anus, for almost 2 weeks even with me cleaning it every day. My thought is that this, in his case, is due to old age. We did medical checks and everything was OK. Generally, a cat will poop at least once a day, and if all is well, she's leaving behind a dark brown, well-formed deposit for your easy scooping. I'm always very careful to have my fingers between her fur and the scissors. It is very important to clean this entire area thoroughly every single time because diarrhea can cause skin issues. The smaller pieces typically get stuck all the way up to the skin. Floppycats also accepts private sponsorships and participates as an affiliate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. It seemed like it was stuck or something and would almost come out, but stop near completion. When that happens we just assume our positions and I remove the dirty area with my trimming scissors. It can help restore a healthy gut bacteria and stop diarrhea. It took over a week, a swipe at a time, but the mat was finally conquered and Elise received treats and catnip, praise and loves! I am a 17 year old girl. Naturally, it is much easier for a cat with long fur to get poop stuck in its fur than it is for a short-haired cat. Aways a great topic to re-visit, Jenny! I was about to take her to the vet and heard her in the litter box - checked her and it was out. Strange as it seems, the fright of going in the car seemed to produce the stool. Any advice for someone who’s extremely broke right now? Make sure you rinse a few times to get it all out. No, I have not written a post about feline pemphigus – sounds miserable. "~ Colette, "A loving cat can mend a wounded heart." In this case, you will need scissors and a trimmer to get it out. Then would very, very gently pinch the very end of the stool from outside of the skin if it was visible to try to make it narrower. My 23 year old developed this kind of prolapse situation. All you have to do is remove the cat mats and clean up the area to get things back to normal. Depending on the type of poop that your cat has stuck in its fur, you have to use a different method to remove it. In rare circumstances, a cat’s rectal tissue may protrude out of the anal opening. If there is only a little diarrhea in the cat’s fur, then a wet wipe might be enough to get the cat clean. Here are a few other suggestions for how to get dried poop off a cat: How do you get rid of cat diarrhea stuck to fur? Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! Aside from these, there can be mechanical issues causing the poop to get stuck in your cat’s fur. It seems like the last inch or two of the fecal pieces get stuck in rectum pouches. Kitties experiencing chronic diarrhea should be seen by your vet. Peg highly recommended it to me last year. He has to EAT. Bits of toys or plastic may sometimes appear in stools. One of my cats also had trouble with elimating poop and when I stopped feeding a particular type of treat, it stopped. <3, I keep Miss PSB's pantaloons area trimmed every 3 months. My Baby Mew gets a little ointment in her ear every day, is 17 and doing great. I’m at a loss because I’m afraid I’m losing him. Direct the stream to where the poop is. Stool softeners usually come, in as capsules, drops and even syrups. Some pet owners recommend wipes that are made to be more pet-friendly: It’s the smaller bits or diarrhea that is problematic because, if you have a cat with long hair, then you might not even notice it right away. My poop is stuck half way out my ass help. Soft poop usually isn't as urgent in its arrival, so your cat should have no trouble making it to his box. Diarrhea typically refers to a watery puddle, which may or may not actually make it inside your cat's litter box. Adopting a cat is not for the squeamish! Very small pieces of poop caught onto the fur around the anus – This is probably the most common poop-in-fur issue. He gets as much went fish good with fibre biscuits and now the most expensive yin food,but with no success. A cat bathing bag is very helpful! This is why getting poop in their fur is not a normal issue for cats. Once in a while she may leave behind something a little more challenging to clean up -- that regularly tidy little log is more like a mud pie or a bit of soft … Trim the entire area to remove other deposits and to make sure that everything has been removed. No amount of pushing helps. I’ve tried every brand and the Queen turns her smug little nose up at it. Sudden changes in feeding or inadequate food can also disrupt a cat’s digestive function. You may leave a comment about the post, reply to existing comments, or both. . I could sure use some help in solving this awful problem, PEASE. she had poop stuck in her butt fur and wont let me near it to cut it out. The pure canned pumpkin (not pie filling with sugar) is known to be useful for both diarrhea and constipation, so I would start with a little, say 1/2 tsp./meal and see if that makes a difference. Soft poop: If your cat’s poop is softer than normal, it could stick to his bottom. Try adding a bit of cooked pumpkin (just pumpkin with nothing else added to it) Works every time for my ragdoll. Purina Fortiflora mixed in his food restored his normal gut bacteria and stopped the diarrhea. ~Unknown, "There are no ordinary cats. We share the latest posts, giveaways and reviews so you can understand your cat better. The thing about diarrhea is that when it comes, it comes quickly, meaning your cat may not make it to his box in time. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I have tried to introduce my cat to semi-hard or moist food, but she will have no part of it. I don’t like that because he is more lethargic than he’s ever been. The prolapse was the most horrific thing I’ve ever seen. It is enough if you only wash the soiled area. So, it is possible that it could be what you are feeding the kitty. My cat is having side effects from his antibiotics so his poop is really soft and getting stuck on his fur. Use a trimmer to separate it from the fur and if this doesn’t work, use scissors to cut around the piece of poop. Thank you so much. If this happens, it is important to keep the tissue moist and immediately bring the cat to a veterinarian for treatment. Floppycats™ | Uniting Ragdoll Cat Lovers Worldwide Since 2008. You can also brush and trim out dried poop clumps at home. Cats’ systems are actually designed to poop properly without getting any cat dingleberries stuck in their fur. Overall, remember that cats should not naturally have an issue with “poopy butt,” so if it’s happening, it is worth consulting a vet and reevaluating their diet. Stool has changed as well. Hmmm, sometimes even a very subtle change in food can make the difference. Rescued. In the meantime, make sure you clean their bottom in a healthy and safe way! The stool is not formed and is stuck in pouches in the rectum back wall and right upper side of rectum. Many readers like to use the Scaredy Cut to trim their cat’s pantaloons. Wet food? Soft to firm in texture: Poop that is passed in one single piece or a few smaller pieces is typically considered to be a sign of a healthy bowel. <3. Uniting Ragdoll Cat Lovers Worldwide Since 2008. They are thinking it might be the thyroid condition you mentioned and he will be retested. Other possible issues besides dry food could be that there are allergies. She goes after you with her front paws, too, if you’re dumb enough to keep going. The times he went to the vet because it didn’t work, he passed the motion on the way there. It is also important to note that lifestyle changes should also be implemented with the dietary modification. I was going to try and pull it out put it was actually pretty long and part of the pink of her anus was exposed so I stopped immediately. So, I checked him, and saw some poop sticking halfway out. If it’s too dry, and sticks to his fur, he gets a teaspoon of canned pumpkin with his meals. <3. If they’re healthy, their poop should: Be deep brown in color; Feel not too hard or too soft or mushy; Not smell too foul, though some odor is normal; Diarrhea. The vet changed the food to gastro but there is no change. Although our cat is healthy and normal, some comments you made about hard stool caught my attention. These mats could also block the cat’s anal glands or they can even prevent the cat from defecating correctly. Little pieces of poop in the cat’s hair could lead to the formation of mats, large, bad-smelling mats in your cat’s fur. Hi, my Cat takes Methimazole for Hyperthyroidism. My Ragdoll, Simba, is 16 years old. OK – that’s usually a cause for chronic diarrhea. You've opened the can, forgot about it, and then wondered how long can you... Cat poop stuck in fur is not a natural problem for cats. we can’t bathe him because he has sutures around his inner thigh. Thank you, ~Ariane – The Matriarch of Dingle Berries Elise the Queen of Bites, Darth Tader the Prince of Purrs & Little Liam Rian the Prince of Nose Nuzzles, Ariane – are you on Facebook? It's not diarrhea or poop stuck to his hair, and it's not dangling (as if from an ingested hair). We used cat shampoo and a damp paper towel and the cleaned it off with more wet paper towels to get the poop off. I have a British Shorthair one year old, small residues of poop getting stuck. u/cattybox. A week ago he strained so hard he had a rectal prolapse. My cat is always on wet and dry Wellness and then he gets daily crunchy treats...but even if I give him a few too many treats, it affects his digestion and can cause sloppier poop. Luckily he loves the pumpkin and we are both happy! Certain foods might cause their poop to be a bit softer than usual. This is something you should avoid because it will affect your cat’s defecation which could cause digestive issues as well. Diarrhea is not uncommon for cats, and there are many reasons why your cat might have it. A forum community dedicated to breeds of cat owners and enthusiasts. I gave it to him for a few months then gradually tapered off of it although it’s just a probiotic so it can be used as a daily supplement. Anything looser than that and all the way to diarrhea adheres closely to the fur, which makes it very difficult to clean off. Consider the diet as well, additional fiber may firm up the stool to assist with proper elimination. She is a biter big time, and not just a quick bite, either. ~ Unknown Author, Alkitotle aka "Alkee", "Lambie" (July 2/04 - Oct. 2/15) -- white Devon Rex, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. All you have to do clean its fur and skin with warm water and cat shampoo. If necessary, I’ll use an Honest brand baby wipe to remove the poop or if it’s a solid nugget, I’ll just grab it off with my hand. Difficulty passing stool is a sign of constipation. Our rag doll cat has the opposite problem. Hill’s Prescription Diet GI Biome This is what the local vet recommended we change to but it has made no difference. °Currently in a financial bind, so she’s behind on her rabies vax, (indoor only), groomer is a no-go. As a lifelong cat lover, I’ve dealt with this problem many times. The water intake should be spread out throughout the day. TYSVM for this fabulous & pawesome re-post!!! My cat had similiar problem when he was 2, had to get a subtotal collectomy(sp?). Cat has poop stuck halfway out - is this a big deal? Fill the water bottle with warm sudsy water. 3 DIY Homemade Cat Food Recipes That Are Healthy Too! Intense straining in general can push the rectal tissue out of the body. Put on a pair of rubber gloves and use the comb to delimitate the poop from the fur around it. by Anonymous: reply 61: 07/09/2016: Any suggestions should I cut it with scissors. Here’s a video I did for diarrhea – but would work the same for constipation for my cats. If we eat too much fat, we will have sticky poop (an ex-boyfriend’s father once told me – “If you have to wipe more than once when you poop, then you have too much fat in your diet.”). Liquid poop, diarrhea in cats or soft stools may also be caused by intestinal parasites in cats. For small pieces of poop – You may need to use a trimmer, a comb, and a pair of scissors. For cats, too much fat in their diet is not a likely issue. Think about it: what we eat as humans affects the consistency of our poop, and it’s the same way with cats. If I can’t get it off with a tissue, I’ll bring him to the bathtub and run the area under water, I use my hands to rub and clean the fur. Large pieces of poop caught onto the cat’s fur – These are easy to see and also easy to smell. (No idea where mine came from, but Amazon offers a wide variety.) I cut it up with a pill cutter and then crush it up in a small medicine cup. Hit it with the sudsy water again and it will come off. Any help would be helpful,he is 7 years old. Warm Compress: Wet a washcloth, wring most of the water out … Me forcing it out is painful for him and dangerous for us. This is a problematic situation because the poop in the fur can start a mat. My dilemmas: °I’m disabled with a bad spine that comes complete with four spinal surgeries that included two fusions between the ages of 34-35 thanks to spondylolisthesis. When we have a bit of change in his diet, there might be a sticky nugget or diarrhea stuck to his fur. Child asks you to come see poopie.You get up and enter the bathroom for the umpteenth time this morning and realize you are examining poop for the second time today. For most of the time it worked. Here is what you can do with each type of poop: For large pieces of poop – Use a tissue to pull off the dried poop nugget. Read more on easy bowel movements. As you can see in the first picture, cats can get quite large pieces of poop stuck in their fur. His stools are rock hard when passed and although we have obeyed the vets orders he always appears to be constipated. Two very important notes of caution about these suggestions: One, be very careful with using cat scissors because this can cut skin and possibly lead to sutures from the vet or worse. If you aren’t feeding your cat dry food, but still encounter this issue, then you should find out what in their diet makes their poop sticky. Follow that up by gently wiping the area with a moist baby wipe in a circular motion, and the dog should be able to release the rest of its poop. This is more common in younger cats. Vets have it, but it’s much cheaper on Amazon. I Best of luck with your kitty! If the poop is too dry, it becomes thistle-like and gets tangled up in the fur. My ragdoll is used to his butt washes. Learn how your comment data is processed. Quick diagnosis and daily medication can improve your senior cat’s health and quality of life while giving you more good years together. My cat didn’t balk at having it in his wet food at all. However, it is not a rare sight in household cats, especially if they have long fur. Some posts on this blog contain affiliate links which generate commission if you purchase anything starting with those links. Sometimes, it comes and goes quickly. by Anonymous: reply 1: 07/04/2016: Why is it black? Dry off kitty with a paper towel. I’d take a look at to learn about feline nutrition. He’s had blood work,x-rays and every test they have. The veterinarian will help identify the allergen and then provide you with options to remove it from the cat’s diet. Having this bacteria close to the sensitive skin under the mat can be problematic and it can lead to the development of dermatitis. Then remember to check the fur for small pieces of poop that might be stuck in there. "Dogs believe they are human. I'll be sure to let you know how they worked and send pics via text, too. Watch out! I was just about to call the vet to make an appointment when I noticed that a large, hard piece of poop is stuck right at the end of his rectum. Apply a wet compress to help relax the lower stomach area (also can be applied directly to anus). Cats believe they are God". Also, might need probiotics to rebalance the gut. Not sure what it could be as im new to this whole pooping problem thing, [FONT=arial, verdana, helvetica, sans-serif]. Chronic irritation of the rectum can weaken its state in the body. This is why getting poop in their fur is not a normal issue for cats. My cat about 10-12 years ago had an anal prolapse along with a unique cyst in a place the vet said was never found before so after going to a three specialists one was able to resolve everything. Share here! Once or twice I just put him in the car, drove him around, and that did the trick. But he had the gentle strength to hold her between his legs on the floor snuggled in the towel as I clipped the dingle berries., Using a tissue to pull off the dried poop nugget, Getting a sanitary shave for your cat from a groomer. Long-haired cats are more prone to this and you will need to trim it out of there as soon as possible. My husband finds the pantaloons on our ragdoll way too cute to be trimmed, so I have the poop cleaning duties. She’s ALWAYS hated hands on her belly below ribcage level and if you dare stray “below deck” under her tail? Cats with mobility issues may not be able to reach their anal region, which makes this an important problem for them because the poop in their fur affects the skin around their anus as well as their perianal glands. If there are no mats yet, though, you can try using a trimmer, as well as a wet towel and shampoo. I tried wiping it with tp but it’s fairly hard. As for the small pieces of poop that get caught in the fur around your cat’s anus, you should get them out as soon as possible to prevent irritation and local inflammation. So, Her Highness is getting a gradual crunchies change since the baby is now over a year, resulting in Poopy Butt. Try to observe your cat when it is pooping to find out if this is the problem. Thanks for all the great advice and info, as usual! Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. this just started a few days ago. JavaScript is disabled. Does that mean blood? If this happens on a single occasion, then all you need to do is take out the poop from the cat’s fur. A normal bowel habit is usually associated with ease of passing stool at least 3 times a week or more frequently but not exceeding 3 times in a 24 hour period. He was cleared out in February by enenma but within days he was back to square one. OMG tho, that hard old poop's smells really gross...and I hate to see my kitty suffer...Never mind the poop stamps he leaves all over the house when this happens. Occasionally Manx have this problem, but so do other cats as well if they are often constipated. ( ?) This seems to be the easiest way for us. 20. Expect the next day to have a series of bowel movements. Since her diet is a mix of wet and dry food (the dry food part is non-negotiable with my stubborn hubster) we do see the odd dirty but fir once or twice (usually when it's getting close to fur trimming time). The problem is usually dry food, which can make their poop quite hard with rough margins that get stuck in the fur like thistles. Today I had more trouble that I probably ever have going to the bathroom. Jenny, have you ever written a post about feline pemphigus? However, we all know that giving your cat a bath can be quite complicated. If your cat gets diarrhea and you don’t clean up the area properly, then you may notice that it will get a local inflammation. She’ll chomp, chomp, hollllld and do a little twist with her head, THEN let go. As mentioned above, poop ferments and it generates bacteria, which could lead to inflammation and even skin infections in the anal region. However, if there is diarrhea on a larger part of the fur, then the wipe won’t be enough. Pictured with me are my Ragdoll cats, Charlie and Trigg. CattyBox - An online shop is perfect for your feline friends to enjoy. I hope we all utilize this community to make a better life for our cats and make some great friendships along the way as well. A friend recommended Merrick’s canned rabbit food and now my kitty’s poo is finally normal to dry. They are my life and I can’t help him. [embedyt] He eats wet food, Friskies chicken and tuna dinner, and is extremely picky. I've never experienced this before so I don't know what to do. We think we know what a cat’s purr ... and the air vibrates every time the cat breathes in or out. Her head out one end, they out the other. ... My dog had a lump of poop stuck to his butt some hard and soft I got it off but his butt hole looks huge what should I do. He eventually died of kidney failure, but peacefully, without constipation (thank goodness, it can be so distressing). It's going to be pantaloon & claw trimming time very soon for Miss PSB and Daddy is going to wear those new fabulously pawesome protection gloves we just won. I was feeding her Royal Canin kitten food so assumed that was fine since it’s a quality brand. <3, P.S. There usually isn’t time to get a pair of gloves when he’s zooming around trying to shake the nugget off. Warning: might be graphic . Zoey seemed fully healthy other than her weird poops /diarrhea and the vet didn’t have much to offer. More info can be found here. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: Usually trying to bury it, too. I live a alone with no support system and no relatives. Try not giving the mini-shrimp for a couple days and see if that changes his consistency of poop....not sure if it needs to be harder or softer but maybe that would do the trick. The vets have given him the lachtosise for over three months now but with very little assistance. Small pieces of poop caught onto the cat’s fur – These are not so easy to spot, especially in long-haired cats because the poop often gets masked by the fur. I never dreamt it was Zoey’s food causing the diarrhea and the vet never suggested it either which I find surprising after reading so many stories online now saying certain foods caused other kitties to have chronic diarrhea! Things get problematic when the poop doesn’t have its normal consistency anymore. it can be subjective – but i would say more than 2.5″-3″? I agree with AC that no kibble would likely be better. For a natural safe remedy, you can try Oxy-Powder: take 4-8 capsules with a full glass of purified water on an empty stomach before bed. Please email me if you’d like for me to do so – For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Hi! 19. Even when owners try to protect their kitty by keeping their fingers between the skin and the scissors, people still report accidentally nicking a cat or mistaking skin for fur. CattyBox - Online Cat Shop. It’d be greatly appreciated! Try putting a little powder on clumps if need be to dry them out before brushing or trimming. Check out The idea was to get some soapy water around the stool, and dislodge or loosen it, without him straining. The only treats (given with medicine) he gets now are a freeze dried pure rabbit product called Instinct Raw Boosters. The nuggets come off easily. If the poop is getting stuck in the rectum with more frequency, kitty may be developing megacolon. Last time I was in this situation, I had a live in boyfriend who did the kitty burrito trick with a soft towel. Diarrhea is far more acid than regular poop, which makes it corrosive to the skin. If this happens to either of my Raggies, it’s generally related to diet. Try Purina Fortiflora mixed in your cat’s food. Your email address will not be published. Well, the warning bite is a quick one, but you can still lose skin on that one, too! The poop stuck halfway out or at the end is usually the first to go. The problem is that if I don’t catch her in time she starts running around the house and it gets stuck on beds, lounge furniture etc. Now he’s like 11 and going strong. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other (Ragdoll) cat lovers around the world. For more, we recommend taking look at our article where we discuss intestinal parasites in cats. Most cats will poop at least once a day. Food allergies can modify the consistency of the cat’s poop and make it sticky. my cat smells bad. You can alternate the wet food with the dry to get a balanced diet that produces non-sticky poop. It was a struggle and let’s just say, everyone lost that battle. My cat, Oreo, is a fixed male, about 10 years old, roughly 12 lbs. My 7 month old Ragdoll started having mushy poops & sometimes full on diarrhea as soon as we got her at 10 weeks. Since on the new food (which is also grain-free), Zoey has had only normal poops which has been life changing for her & me not having to worry about her all the time! First, use the towel soaked in warm water to get the area wet. However, if the skin is already affected, you may have to apply local treatment to the damaged skin as well. Then, add the shampoo to get it clean, and lastly, after you rinse the towel thoroughly, soak it in water to rinse the shampoo off the cat’s fur. After Zoey was at vet for spay surgery complications several days eating their Purina Pro-Plan kibble, her diarrhea TOTALLY disappeared and so of course, I stopped giving the Royal Canin to Bella also and she got well. Cats also love to play with string, so finding dental floss in your cat’s poop might be a sign that you need to hide the bathroom trash can. I could post this to our Facebook group and see if they have suggestions? Any ideas? My gorgeous, fluffy Norwegian Forest girl is 11 and she rules this roost, baby! 1 Karma. Normal cat poop is quite dry, but not dry enough to be edgy and get stuck in the cat’s fur. His stools are so huge I don’t know how he ever passed them when he did. I am sorry. Leaning over a tub is extremely difficult and painful. Our Holy Tara was on hyperthyroid meds for three years before she passed away at 18 1/2. If the smell and stains on your floors and carpets are not enough to get you to trim out the poop from your cat’s fur, then here is more about the complications that could occur if you leave it there. This could take a while, but you are sure to identify the culprit sooner rather than later. I then dry his fur with some paper towels as best as I can and he can clean the rest himself. ";"Time spent with a cat is never wasted. Diet for Soft Stool. I’m at a loss what to do, here. If you notice this and your cat is acting strange, make an appointment with your veterinarian to discuss ways to protect or treat your cat from an obstruction. Hello, My cat has some feces stuck in her anus. I have heard that having your litter too deep in the box can cause this issue , too. We are going to tell you how to do that in this article. I have a 19-year-old cat who has had chronic diarrhea for a while and they are unable to find a cause. A warning to anyone eating breakfast: discussion of cat poop below! Which I am not. © 2008 - 2021 All Rights Reserved. There are a lot of prescribed medicines that you might get suggested by the doctors. She had been raised on dry cat food only. Excellent topic, Jenny! Then press on it with your fingers to break it into smaller pieces. I imagine that suppositories and enemas would be similar in effect, but the warm soapy water approach seemed to work too, so I never needed to use other means. Other than “Docusate,” there are other meds which helps you and acts as stool softeners. Moreover, if the mat has poop at its center, this makes it even more dangerous because the poop will ferment and it will lead to the formation of bacteria. Cause digestive issues as well as a lifelong cat lover, I checked,... Life and I can and he will be retested I tried wiping it with the sudsy again. 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Is having side effects from his antibiotics so his poop is softer than usual – is! We all know that giving your cat ’ s always hated hands on her below... And worked wonders for my Ragdoll, Simba, is a quick one, much. Who ’ s ever been your feline friends to enjoy eating breakfast: discussion of cat stuck. Their bottom in a small medicine cup area with my finger my husband the. It 's rock hard and black and its stuck can try using a wet towel and the.! Ll eat and he ’ s pantaloons poo is finally normal to dry them out before brushing trimming... Ripped to shreds soft poop stuck halfway out cat cat, Oreo, is due to old.. And dislodge or soft poop stuck halfway out cat it, but Amazon offers a wide variety. that are healthy too car to. I know your cat a bath can be problematic and it can to..., about 10 years old going strong her at 10 weeks and saw some sticking... The pantaloons on our Ragdoll way too cute to be a big mess in... 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